Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cyber Attacks Test Pentagon, Allies and Foes

Cyber Attacks Test Pentagon, Allies and Foes

Cyber espionage has surged against governments and companies around the world in the past year, and cyber attacks have become a staple of conflict among states. U.S. military and civilian networks are probed thousands of times a day, and the systems of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization headquarters are attacked at least 100 times a day, according to Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO's secretary-general. He further said, It's no exaggeration to say that cyber attacks have become a new form of permanent, low-level warfare. More than 100 countries are currently trying to break into U.S. networks, defense officials say. China and Russia are home to the greatest concentration of attacks. The Pentagon's Cyber Command is scheduled to be up and running next month, but much of the rest of the U.S. government is lagging behind, debating the responsibilities of different agencies, cyber-security experts say. The White House is considering whether the Pentagon needs more authority to help fend off cyber attacks within the U.S.

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