Monday, September 27, 2010

Connecting like professionals: Windows Live and LinkedIn

From the Blog of, it has been made official the windows live coming in together with Linkedin. What they said on the blog is; we’re pleased to announce another of those great partnerships: LinkedIn. We love LinkedIn’s tag line, “Relationships Matter,” because at Windows Live, our goal is to create great experiences that keep you connected with the people who matter most.

With over 75 million members in over 200 countries and a new professional joining approximately every second, LinkedIn is clearly a leader in professional social networking that we’re excited to partner with. There are four key areas we’re focused on in our deep integration with LinkedIn:

·        Keeping your contact list organized with auto contact linking across Hotmail, Messenger and the rest of Windows Live.

·        Helping you use Messenger to keep up with what your LinkedIn contacts are doing.

·        Making it simple to share updates from Messenger to your LinkedIn contacts.

·        Helping your Messenger friends keep up with what you’re doing on LinkedIn.

·        LinkedIn contacts

With nearly 50% of users actively using 2 or more social networks, linking social networks together becomes a messy business for your contact list if not handled with care. Your contact list can become easily flooded with duplicate records for the same person from the contact details you already have, their Facebook or MySpace friend details, and now their professional contact information from LinkedIn. We recognize how tedious it is to manually clean up duplicate contacts in your contact list, but it’s important that you have easy access to the right contact information for the right situation. For example, when you send a work-related email, you may use a different email address than when you send a personal note to the same person. When you make the LinkedIn connection with Windows Live, your LinkedIn contacts are automatically linked to the same contact you already have stored in Windows Live, so that you have one record with the combined set of information. Now you can compose and send email to your LinkedIn contacts right from Hotmail. Having your LinkedIn contacts connected to Windows Live doesn’t end with just email, however. Your LinkedIn contacts are available to you across Windows Live, including in Photo Gallery. You probably wouldn’t think to associate photos with your LinkedIn activities, but with people tagging in Photo Gallery, for example, you could tag a photo of someone you saw at a conference, because it’s always helpful to put a face to a name.

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