Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Enterprise Mobility: Beginning of an array of Opportunities

The Mobile phone connections would equal and also exceed the population of the earth soon. The Omnipresent mobile phones and their increasing technological capabilities have increased their suitability for high bandwidth applications. The global penetrating market of high-speed mobile wireless networks and rising delivery bandwidth have made connectivity more reliable. With each year coming, the Enterprise Mobility market has grown & matured and enterprises are now looking beyond simple Enterprise Personal Information Management (PIM) and e-mail access on the mobile. Companies globally look at the mobile phones like it represents an opportunity that will parallel or even exceed the transformational impact of the Internet. Mobile-enabled information access not only provides enterprises with opportunities to enhance employee productivity and streamline processes but also offers opportunities to reach out to customers and create new experiences. The ongoing evolution in technology has transformed mobile devices growth dramatically in features and capabilities. The proliferation of device platforms such as the iPhone and Android have created a near-PC like experience on mobile phones and elevated them to a level where they can effectively replace PCs for day-to-day functions.

The iPhone and Blackberry devices have benchmarked a growing consumer appetite for high-speed Internet connectivity and high bandwidth applications. The carriers too are not to be left alone; Carriers globally are upgrading their networks, leading to an increased penetration of high-speed wireless networks. The new ear users are key demographic components driving increased usage of mobile devices to access information and services more than traditional voice communications. Proliferations in this segment and the devices that cater to their imagination have pushed enterprises to rethink their mobility strategy from every Business perspective. Enterprises realize that their mobility strategy is not only a tool to improve productivity of their employees, but also a powerful and personal channel of communication with their end-consumers.

Empowering Mobility
The Internet has influenced the accessibility of enterprise applications significantly. Mobility is trailing in the quotidian accessibility of applications. It is the catalyst in empowering XO’s & decision makers to access information anywhere, anytime. Recent trends indicate that mobile access to corporate information will be on top of the agenda for enterprises and that mobility will drive an organization's Enterprise latest strategy. The widespread usage of mobility in enterprises started with BlackBerry devices leading the way for mobile access to enterprise e-mail and PIM data. Early adopters of enterprise mobility realized the associated business advantages & benefits of mobile access to enterprise applications. An increasing number of companies are now embracing mobility to not only increase staff productivity but also to better manage inventory and improve visibility throughout their supply chains. Proliferation of mobile devices, the App Store phenomenon and the Google’s open systems (Android) have created a new playing field for enterprises. App Stores are here to stay and the consumers' appetite for mobile applications will continue to grow (currently stands at 250,000 apps) where as Google’s Android Stores collectively stands 80,000 plus apps. Consequently, enterprises are realizing that mobility cannot only help them enhance employee productivity and streamline processes but also offer game changing possibilities to reach out to customers and create new experiences. We are witnessing a multitude of feature-rich mobile applications from enterprises making its way to Apple's App Store & Android Apps.  Mobile coupons, mobile marketing and advertising are seeing the light at the end of tunnel through market experiments. Businesses are exploring ways to enhance their brand awareness, customer relationship, stickiness and loyalty by creating touch points on the mobile phone.


The recent trends in the field of Enterprise Mobility indicate that the consumer-focused enterprises can address a growing opportunity. What is seen as the commandments for the mobile enterprise could be, Launching new categories of branded digital products targeting the emerging digital consumer. Creating a new sales channel to market products, increase brand awareness and improve loyalty for large numbers of consumers, leveraging the operators' reach and their knowledge of the mobile users. And lastly to create a new service channel offering on-demand, anywhere service and support to customers.

The consumers are ready for mobiles & mobile applications, but are enterprises ready to cater to their needs? It is time for enterprises to start thinking about their "mobile" strategy along with their "Web" strategy. Mobility combined with the power of Web 2.0 and social media will demonstrate the impact that companies can create on the user experience. However, the underlying technology diversity and evolving user expectations pose some interesting challenges. An increasing number of mobile phone users expect access to content and services in a way that is optimized for their mobile devices, without restrictions on the kind of devices they use. With the proliferation of mobile devices, the lowest common denominator experience will not suffice. Users need intelligently designed experiences with a high usability quotient.  Developing a clear device strategy to target the most appropriate target devices for enterprise mobile services will go a long way toward controlling device diversity and costs associated with it. Understanding the user experience on a mobile is a much bigger challenge than many of us thought in the past. Solutions that have the ability to track user context and demonstrate the ability to react to the context by providing an optimized user experience will be the winners.

A strategic approach to Enterprise Mobility opens up a world of opportunities for organizations to evolve their existing processes and adopt new ones, strengthening their position in the competitive market. The growth of Enterprise Mobility will continue to be fueled by emerging technologies and openness of devices and applications. A combination of innovative strategies, smart business models and unique technology platforms will hold the key to success. Now that we behold the complete picture of what is laid in front of us, executing a strategy which will ensure our collective futuristic growth comes from an experience what we in habit of doing for our clients and our customers. That’s our policy and that’s what we believe in Let’s Grow Together.

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