Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Adding value to customer business is our priority

Application Maintenance

Rigel Networks, a market leader in Application maintenance, is supported by strong experience, mature processes, and dynamic delivery systems. As the business setting and technology are changing constantly, the applications must be optimized to meet requirements of end customers. In this aspect, Application Maintenance services go ahead of merely managing and optimizing overgrown applications.

As the customer’s business grows, the demands on existing application will increase and the customer must ensure that the applications are stable and available when they need them. To ensure the stability and availability of the developed applications, continuous monitoring and periodic updates are essential. Our dedicated engineers continuously monitor the application performance, analyze the uptime / downtime reports, and take necessary actions on a regular basis. Rigel Networks adopts proven methodologies, which help in breaking down the maintenance process into systematic levels and set goals accordingly to maintain agreed service levels.

Rigel Networks offers offshore application maintenance services to provide customers with personalized and long-term support. We go beyond service level agreements by partnering with clients and delivering robust solution. At Rigel Networks, we develop custom applications, maintain them, and ensure continual support to sustain the customer’s focus on their business objectives. Application Maintenance service enables us to gradually transfer duties from our customer's in-house team to our offshore maintenance team.

Our application maintenance services in various domains include

·        Technical help desk support

·        Fault analysis

·        Design update

·        Upgrades and Patches

·        Code review

·        Testing

·        Documentation maintenance

·        Application Enhancements

·        Service Level Agreements based support services

·        Business Value through Application Maintenance

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